Progenda Media Services is ready to set up you
e-commerce site. Below is a break down of how e-commerce works to
get you familiar with the process. Call us with questions or to
discuss your project.
E-Commerce Works
When you first begin the process
of providing products or services online, it can be quite
overwhelming. However, with a basic understanding of the
way things work and a managed solutions provider like Progenda
Media Services, your online transition will be quick and
easy. |
The Basics
- A customer is surfing the Internet for
products and/or services.
- They come across your web site. To make
this web site visible on the Internet you need to host
it with a hosting company.
- As the customer adds services and/or products
that they wish to purchase, they are placed into a shopping
cart. ( Miva Merchant for example ).
Once they have finished shopping on your web site they
will "Check Out". They now fill out the credit card
information on a secure page (SSL) on your web site
to pay for their purchases.
- Once the credit card information fields
are completely filled out, the customer will hit "Submit".
This information is then transmitted to a Credit Card
Transaction Provider for authorization (Verisyn and
Link Point for example). The order is then either declined
or accepted. This process takes about three seconds.
- If the transaction is approved, the information
is then transmitted to a merchant account (Card Service
International, for example). There it will stay for
about 24 to 72 hours.
- The money that is in your merchant account
will then be placed into your business account.
Store Operation Methods
- Simple Check Receipt Method - This is
the cheapest and easiest way to run your online store.
When an order is placed, an e-mail will be sent to
you telling you what the order was for. Your customer
will then need to send you a check in the mail for
payment of products or services before they receive
them. This method is not recommended, as the reason
for shopping online is convenience. However, in certain
instances this might be the way you will need to run
your online store.
(1) Simple.
(2) Cost effective.
(3) No chance for credit card charge backs.
(1) Not convenient for your shoppers.
(2) Takes too long to receive payment.
(3) Higher rate of canceled orders.
- Simple Credit Card Validation - This
is the most popular method for those needing an affordable
way to operate an online store. This is also the best
choice if you just want to test the E-Commerce waters.
Once an order is placed on your store, you will be
sent an e-mail telling you what the order was for
and your customer will be sent an e-mail telling them
the order was received and is being processed. You
will then need to log on to your store, view the order,
and take the credit card information from the order.
At your physical store or home, you will then use
a credit card swipe/punch machine to run the credit
card transaction manually. Once the credit card is
approved, you can then send your customer the product
or service they ordered.
(1) Simple.
(2) Cost effective - you do not need an online merchant
bank and payment portal.
(3) Quick and easy to set up.
(1) Transaction is not instant. Your customers must
wait on you.
(2) You must be available to manually charge credit
to complete the order.
(3) If you receive a large number of orders, it becomes
- Real-time Credit Card Transaction - This
is the way all the larger online stores do it. With
this method, the credit card transaction becomes part
of the ordering process. An online shopper decides
to purchase from your store. They will use your shopping
cart to purchase items and, when ready, "Check Out".
During the "Check Out" phase they will enter their
credit card information securely and submit it. Within
three seconds, they will be told if their credit card
was declined or accepted. Once accepted, they will
receive order confirmation and a receipt. When the
order has been placed and after the credit card is
approved, you will be sent an e-mail with all the
details. The money is automatically deducted from
your customer's credit card and deposited into your
business account.
(1) Convenient for you and your shoppers.
(2) Instant credit card transactions.
(3) Professional - all large E-Commerce sites operate
their stores this way.
(1) Cost - Requires an online merchant account and
payment portal.
Steps To Get Started
- The first step is to get approval on
a merchant account. We refer people to Card Service
International. They accept about 99% of all applications
and have no contracts. All merchant accounts are month
to month. If you already have an online merchant account,
you will not need another one. Make sure not to confuse
a business merchant account with an online merchant
account. Most banks provide merchant accounts, but
only a few support online transactions.
- The next step is to find a web hosting
provider that offers E-Commerce hosting. An E-Commerce
hosting package should have some sort of shopping
cart support for you to organize your products and
make buying easy for your customer.
- Once you receive your merchant number
and you have decided on a hosting provider and shopping
cart, you then need to decide on a transaction provider.
A transaction provider (or payment gateway) will tell
your customers if their credit card was declined or
accepted within a few seconds. If you do not want
to take real-time credit card transactions, you will
not need this. You can always use a credit card swipe
machine at your home or business to avoid the fees
associated with payment gateways.
- The final step is to integrate the merchant
account, shopping cart and the transaction provider